The Central Western Maine Workforce Development Board (CWMWDB) provides oversight, stewardship, and administers WIOA Title 1B Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth funding for Androscoggin, Franklin, Kennebec, Oxford, and Somerset Counties. Eastern Maine Development Corporation (EMDC) is the region’s contracted service provider in partnership with Community Concepts, Inc. Both EMDC and CCI operate at regional CareerCenters and also offer alternative meeting spaces for the convenience of participants, to include virtual office hours. The CWMWDB works closely with many regional and statewide partners, especially the Maine Department of Labor.
WIOA is the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, landmark legislation that is designed to strengthen and improve our nation’s public workforce system. WIOA helps thousands of individuals, including those with significant barriers to employment, to prepare for high-quality jobs. WIOA also assists employers with services and funding to hire and retain skilled workers.